April 2020
Online Digital (Zoom) Meeting of Ingoldsby Parish Council on 22 April 2020
Councillor David Harrison, Chairman
Councillor Stephen Slight, Vice-Chairman
Councillor Darryl Weller
Councillor Angela Eldred
Councillor Ward-Barrow
Heidi Wilson, Clerk
Due to the outbreak of the global pandemic COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines issued by the Government, Ingoldsby Parish Council members, by emailed mutual agreement, have taken the decision (further to Government advice) to cancel all proposed meetings including the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting. This online digital meeting via the application, ‘Zoom’ is being held to agree a Plan of Action going forward. Any decisions made during the course of this meeting will be ratified at the next public meeting of the Parish Council. This decision has been taken to ensure the smooth running of the Parish Council during this time of uncertainty.
ACTION PLAN (20/001)
1. To cancel future Parish Council meetings for an initial period of 3-months despite ‘The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 which allow for online meetings due to logistics.
2. Members resolved not to approve the purchase of an NHS flag to be erected on the flagpole at the request of a parishioner. Members resolved to donate by Section 137 a sum of £50.00 to Captain Tom Moore via JustGiving to support local charities.
3. A letter is to be circulated to households to inform them of the decisions taken at this meeting and to remind parishioners about the volunteer scheme set up by the Church and the Parish Council which current boasts around twenty-five volunteers. Parishioners will be reminded to contact the Clerk via email or a Parish Councillor via telephone or email if required but NOT personally due to social distances guidelines.
4. Members resolved to approve the list of Regular Payments for 2020 (listed below).
5. Members resolved to approve Clerk’s Emergency Spending Powers as listed in Financial Regulations with the approval of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman should this be required.
6. Items 4 and 5 above negate the need to suspend Financial Regulations or Delegate additional powers to the Clerk.
7. Clerk to re-launch the old website to aid communication with the Parish.
8. Chairman and Vice-Chairman with agreement and resolution of the Council agreed to remain in post until a public Annual Parish Council meeting can be held.
Members resolved to approve the payment of £54 for the Garden Waste Service which is £6 over budget.
A parishioner has reported that the stile on Askey Lane is unstable.
Action: Clerk to send an email to Mr Allen advising him to remove the stile.
This list of regular payments is approved by Financial Regulations. If it necessary to make payment to avoid a charge to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and the due date for the payment is before the next scheduled meeting of the Council, where the Clerk and RFO certify that there is no dispute or other reason to delay the payment, provided that a list of all such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of the council.
1. Clerk’s monthly salary of 8 hours multiplied by the Clerk’s hourly wage of £13.15. Overtime and annual leave will need to be approved at the next meeting of the Parish Council. Clerk to receive annually agreed payment of £100.00 for use of own computer, printing equipment and anti-virus software.
2. Payments to Autela Payroll Services Limited for services rendered not exceeding the budgeted amount of £100.00.
3. Payments to the Village Hall for hall hire not exceeding the budgeted amount of £220.00.
4. Annual subscriptions to LALC and the ICO not exceeding the budgeted amount of £120.00.
5. Insurance not exceeding the budgeted amount of £330.00.
6. The internal audit fee not exceeding £62.50.
7. Payments for gardening services to St. Bartholomew’s churchyard not exceeding the budgeted amount of £500.00. Additional payments above the budgeted amount must be applied for in the form of a Section 137 grant.
8. Payments to the Community Heartbeat Trust for the defibrillator annual maintenance package and other related annual services not exceeding the budgeted amount of £226.00.
9. Payments to the PCC for the annual renewal of the green bin service to be paid by direct debit annual for an amount not exceeding £48.00.
10. Payments to BT for the community wireless scheme to be paid by direct debit for the amount billed. Budget head is £820.00.
11. Payments for office equipment and stationery not exceeding the budgeted amount of £250.00.
12. Payments to the Royal British Legion in the form of a Section 137 grant not exceeding the budgeted amount of £70.00.
13. Payments for the maintenance of Askey Lane not exceeding the budgeted amount of £150.00.
14. Payments for community improvements and cleaning not exceeding the budgeted amount of £800.00.
15. Payment for training subscription with LALC not exceeding the budgeted amount of £60.00.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.