May 2022 DRAFT Notes Annual Parish Meeting

NOTES OF THE INGOLDSBY ANNUAL PARISH MEETING held in the Village Hall, Main Street, Ingoldsby

Wednesday 27 April 2022

By the nature of her office as Chairman of Ingoldsby Parish Council, Councillor Eldred will act as Chair for the meeting. 


Councillor Angela Eldred, Chairman of the Parish Council

Councillor Jeffery Kenyon, Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council

Councillor Anna Nelson

District Councillor Sarah Trotter

Mr Stephen Slight

Miss Stacie Eldred, Brownies


Jane & Martin Atkin, Playing Field Association

Carolyn Adcock, Parochial Church Council & Village Hall

Councillor Mike Ward-Barrow

Councillor Darryl Weller


The Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 29 May 2019 were accepted as the minutes of that meeting and were signed and dated accordingly by the Chairman.  


It has been two years since the last Annual Parish Meeting and it goes without saying that it has been a trying time for each and every one of us. Shortly followed by Brexit, the global pandemic changed our lives in ways that none of us could possibly have imagined.  But now, our lives are starting to return to normal as we come to learn to live with Covid-19.  We look forward now with a sense of hope and positivity.  This year we have the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations to look forward to.  It is my sincere hope that the events that the village has planned will bring us together as a community. 

I would like to thank my fellow Council members Darryl Weller, Mike Ward-Barrow, Jeffery Kenyon and Anna Nelson for their tireless commitment to the village and to the Clerk for her continued efforts.  I would also like to thank District Councillor Trotter who takes time out of her busy schedule to attend our meetings and her assistance with a variety of matters has been invaluable. 

Despite the pandemic, the Parish Council has been busy.   We have a second planter, a waste bin courtesy of County Councillor Martin Hill, a new bench for Rosemary Rise and we have assisted where possible with a variety of community issues and support for the new parking area on Rosemary Rise. 

The Parish Council continues to meet on a regular basis and we encourage you to attend our meetings.  These are advertised on Facebook, the Parish Council website and the noticeboard outside the Church.  We have a lot to look forward to in 2022 and beyond.  Councillors Nelson and Kenyon have spearheaded the working group for a new village playground.  There is a lot of work to do in terms of funding bids and if anyone can assist, their help would be greatly appreciated. 

I would also like to thank Mandy Slight and Tracy Wilson for maintaining the village planters and to our volunteers who turn out to our community litter pick events

The Parish Council continue to assist the Parochial Church Council with funding towards cemetery maintenance and waste disposal and for other local organisations who seek funding, we also have a small pot of money called the Section 137 grant.  Applications can be made through the Clerk. 

In terms of highways issues the Parish Council again plan to meet with Rowan Smith, the Area Highways Manager, in September to address some of our outstanding highway’s issues. 

I can confirm that the Parish Council accounts for the year ending 2020/2021 have been completed by the Clerk.  The accounts are in order, the Annual Return has been completed, the Internal Audit is due to take place next week and the declaration of exemption has been prepared for sending to the external auditor.

I would not like to open the meeting to the public. 


Mr Slight informed the meeting that a new planter on the triangle with Humby Road and Grantham Road would be installed in the near future.  Mr Slight gave his receipts for compost and plants to Councillor Kenyon.  It was noted that this expenditure had prior approval from the Parish Council. 

District Councillor Sarah Trotter thanked the Parish Council for extending an invite to the Annual Parish Meeting.  The Chairman, on behalf of the Parish Council, expressed her appreciation to Councillor Trotter for her continued assistance with Parish matters. 

Miss Stacie Eldred reported that the Brownies continue to meet and during the current term the girls are making items based around the ‘Jubilee’ theme.  These will be placed for sale to raise funds.  The Brownies have also become ‘pen pals’ with some older people from a local care home. 

Councillor Eldred delivered a short message on behalf of Jane and Martin Atkin, Playing Field Association.  Mr & Mrs Atkin would like to express thanks to the Parish Council for the £400 in the form of a Section 137 grant towards the cost of a live band for the Sunday of Jubilee celebrations.  They are still looking for a number of volunteers to assist with the delivery of events.  If you are able to assist, please contact Jane or Martin on 01476 585465.  

Councillor Eldred reported that Autumn 2021 saw the reopening of the village hall, following closure for Covid-19.  Sue Hall has returned with Pilates classes; the Rainbows and Brownies groups have resumed.  Helen Lewis has started a coffee morning and Tea & Cake started in March.  Donna Lloyd has launched a new Zumba class.  

On behalf of the Village Hall Committee, Councillor Eldred expressed her thanks to everyone for their continued support, especially Mr Leech who cuts the grass which is very much appreciated.  She also expressed her thanks to Mr Welford for his donation to the village hall and last but not least, Paul Knight who has also recently started to help out around the village hall. 

The Village Hall Committee are also looking for volunteers to deliver Jubilee events.  Please contact Angela Eldred on 07935 275160 or email

Councillor Eldred reported on Rainbows has resumed with a new group of six girls. The group has already held two ‘promise’ ceremonies and completed the first badge.  The girls delivered some plants around the village, leaving them randomly on people’s doorsteps ‘pots of kindness’.  The coming term will see completion of the second badge alongside some jubilee crafts.  

With the lighter nights on our doorstep, the girls will also enjoy some more outdoor activities.  Councillor Eldred passed on a note of special thanks to District Councillor Trotter for her grant which was used to purchase extra outdoor lighting for the village hall.  

Councillor Kenyon explained to the meeting that the Village Hall Committee, Social Club/Playing Field Association, Parochial Church Council and Parish Council have come together and arranged a timetable of events for the Jubilee weekend from Thursday 2nd June to Sunday 5 June 2022.  Councillor Kenyon presented the timetable of events (see attached).

The flower festival at the Church will be open daily, the theme being the Crown Jewels.  Refreshments will be available at the Church.  Over the course of the weekend, Stacie Eldred will be organising a garden and window display through the village with volunteer households.  There will also be a geo-cashing event for the village children.

Thursday:  The Village Hall Committee are looking at making lanterns with the local children.  As the village does not have a ‘torch’, we thought a lantern parade through the village would be a nice alternative.  

There will be a tree planting ceremony at the cemetery at 4pm and our thanks go to the Clerk has offered to purchase the tree for the occasion. 

The Social Club will be open offering bingo or a quiz. 

Friday:  The Village Hall Committee will be putting on tea and cake and we are still trying to organise for someone to come and speak about the history of Ingoldsby at the village hall. 

Saturday:  The social club will be screening a concert and service a Ploughman’s meal.   The time has yet to be confirmed. 

Sunday:  The church is having a service of thanksgiving.  The Social Club will be hosting live music and the results and prizes will be awarded with various other announcements at this event. 

Councillor Kenyon explained that he has put together a leaflet for distribution through the village which will be delivered over the next few weeks. 

There was further general discussion surrounding the issue including the idea of organising a village clean up after the event. 

The Chairman brought the Annual Parish meeting to a close.