
The Ingoldsby Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 8pm in the Village Hall, Ingoldsby. The Annual Parish Council Meeting will follow shortly afterwards at 8.30pm.

Everyone is welcome to attend and we have a 15-minute public forum at the start of the meeting for you to ask questions or make statements about local issues.  

We do ask parishioners not to interrupt the meeting proceedings but Ingoldsby Parish Council is informal and does allow public participation. If you wish to speak during the meeting please raise your hand if you are able to do so. 

The agenda is available on this website and noticeboards. If you would like to receive a copy by email, please contact the Clerk

If parishioners have any accessibility requirements, please let the Clerk know in advance of the meeting so that these can be accommodated.

Published: Sunday, 5th May 2024