August 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Ingoldsby Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Ingoldsby on Wednesday 14 August 2019

Public Forum: There were over twenty parishioners present.

A local resident asked the Parish Council if they knew of any locally organised plans to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day. The early bank holiday in 2020 will move from Monday 4 May to Friday 8 May to mark the anniversary with international celebrations planned from 8 May to 10 May. She said that she would like to organise a village celebration with the support of the Parish Council including a tea party with stalls to raise money for the Sue Ryder Trust and for new equipment for the play area in the village.

Action: Clerk to source funding and add the item to the next agenda.

The Chairman on the Playing Field Association made reference to the April notes which refer to collaboration between the Parish Council and the Playing Field Association regarding the play area. It was noted that this meeting has not yet been scheduled.

Action: Clerk to email the relevant parties.

Mr Allen gave a statement about Askey Lane. He stated that he and his family came to the village just over 26 years ago. He said that when they arrived in the village, Askey Lane was in a very sorry state. In the winter, the land and the dyke could not be differentiated and in the summer the lane was deep in weeds and practically impassable. Mr Allen stated that he contacted a variety of organisations in order to determine firstly who owned the lane and secondly whether there was a public right of way. Upon discovering the land was without title, he said that he took it upon himself to create a decent entrance to their property adjacent to the lane by clearing the overgrown shrubbery and mowing the grass. He said that this action lead to an increase in walkers and travellers, the latter requiring policing. He went on to say that the local farmer cleared the north end of Askey Lane asking simply for dog-walkers to remove dog waste and to keep dogs on leads;
these rules have reportedly not been adhered to. Mr Allen and Yareal Farms Limited jointly made repairs to the gate north of the lane.

Mr Allen went on to say that he was invited to attend the Parish Council meeting in April 2019 to explain his intentions for the lane. He said that he and Yareal Farms Limited were in talks about possibly adopting the lane by obtaining the title. Mr Allen explained that he was singularly interested in the area near to his property. Subsequent to the Parish Council meeting, Mr Allen said he was surprised to learn from a fellow resident that the Parish Council were now interested in pursuing the title to Askey Lane. He also referred to action taken by a fellow resident with a view to establishing a public footpath. Mr Allen said that he had lodged comments with the Land Registry to the effect that if they did obtain the title, they would allow members of the public to use the land in perpetuity. Mr Allen was thanked for his comments. Mr Harden briefly defended his position regarding the application for the public right of way.

A local resident raised the issue of planning application S19/1191 Cornerstone & Telefonica Limited, Land at Main Street, Ingoldsby. The installation of a 12.5m monopole supporting 3 shrouded antennas, 1 equipment cabinet, 1-meter cabinet and ancillary development thereto including Armco barrier. He stated that he had sent a letter of objection to the planning department at South Kesteven District Council raising concern over ambiguity regarding the proposed site of the mast as well as the potential health implications arising from the radiation emitted from the mast. The Chairman thanked the resident for his comments. He explained that Council Members had not been aware of this planning application as the Planning Department has failed, repeatedly, to communicate with the Parish Council.

A local resident stated that the drains and gulley’s in the village are blocked.

Action: Issue to be raised at the village walkabout with Rowan Smith, Local Highways Manager (West).


The Chairman thanked those present for their attendance.

2. APOLOGIES (19/025)



a) No reports of pecuniary interests or applications for dispensations in relation to the agenda.

b) Councillor Eldred reported her interests in relation to the Village Hall Committee.


a) Members resolved to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 29 May 2019 as true and accurate records of that meeting.


a) District Councillor

Sarah Trotter re-iterated that if anyone has any district related issues to contact her by email (

b) County Councillor

Not present.

c) British Red Cross Training/Defibrillator

Councillors Eldred and Weller had organised first aid training delivered by the British Red Cross which took place on Tuesday 2 July and Thursday 11 July 2019. They reported that the events were well-attended and that the trainer was very knowledgeable; not only did she cover defibrillator usage but she also covered general first aid. One of those attending the meeting offered to join the VETS scheme. Councillor Eldred reported that the defibrillator expired pads had now been replaced.

Action: Clerk to liaise with Councillor Weller regarding VETS.

c) Litter Pick, 19-20 October

Members reported that the litter pick is scheduled to take place on Saturday 19 October 2019. The Chairman proposed expenditure up to the value of £50.00 exclusive of VAT for the purchase of bulbs. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Ward-Barrow and passed by resolution of the Council.

Action: Clerk to be provided with a copy of the VAT receipt.

e) Community Improvements

The Clerk informed Members that she had identified a suitable planter made from recycled plastic which can be made to any specification. Dimensions are required for an accurate quote.

Action: Measurements to be obtained.

The Clerk asked Members to agree the design of the new noticeboard: A 2-bay, A4 made timber noticeboard with a header. The header will read Ingoldsby Parish Council in Arial type in gold. The backing is self-healing. The noticeboard is lockable. Members resolved to approve the specifications.

Action: Clerk to purchase the noticeboard.

f) Community Speedwatch Scheme

The Chairman informed the meeting that this is a new scheme with the aim of slowing traffic through the village. Volunteers from the community are sought. Anyone interested was asked to speak to a Councillor after the meeting or email the Clerk. Councillor Weller explained that the Parish Council cannot go ahead unless volunteers come forward because of the cost of the equipment (£500.00).

The Chairman proposed the purchase of 5, 30mph signs to replace the existing ones.

The proposal was seconded by Councillor Ward-Barrow and passed by resolution of the Council.

Action: Clerk to purchase the signs.

g) Waste Bin

The Clerk informed the meeting, further to an email from Clova Townhill at SKDC dated 6 June 2019, that as the Parish Council are in receipt of the community cleaning grant, the Parish Council will have to purchase, install and empty a new waste bin. SKDC would periodically collect the waste from a specified location. Members discussed the cost of a new bin from SKDC and from an external supplier. Councillor Ward-Barrow reminded the meeting that there had been a bin in situ at the end of Askey Lane but it had been removed by the authorities and not replaced. District Councillor, Sarah Trotter said she would make enquiries to have the waste removed at the ame time as the other district council bins in the village. The purchase of a bin is to be deferred to the next meeting pending feedback from Councillor Trotter.

h) Statement on Ascoughy Lane, Vice-Chairman Stephen Slight

Findings of the Ingoldsby Parish Council Working Group

The Ingoldsby Parish Council Working Group was established to discuss the feasibility and implications of the Parish Council acquiring the title to the land, known as Ascoughy Lane. The working Party consists of Councillor Stephen Slight (chair), Councillor Darryl Weller, Councillor Mike Ward-Barrow, Councillor Angela Eldred and Peter Harden.


The land, known as Ascoughy Lane, is untitled and thereby has no known owner recorded by the Land Registry. It has been used for over 100 years by local people and visitors for access to neighbouring villages and farms, for recreational use and until recently for horse riding. Landowners who have land and ditches that border the lane have the right to unfettered access to their land but none of them own the lane. The Parish Council respects the rights of the landowners whilst also seeking to maintain the rights of the public (established over many years) to continue to use the lane for recreational use.

The southern end of Ascoughy Lane has been largely enclosed, and at the time of the Parish Council meeting of 10th April 2019 there were wooden fences on either side of the lane narrowing the entrance and signage had been erected with the house name of the adjacent property. The perceived message is that this property must be privately owned and that ingress might feel like trespass. Mr Allen had advised the Parish Council that he was considering gaining title to the land, raising concern that the access enjoyed by locals and outside walkers would be further restricted or no longer available. The Parish Council resolved to explore options that resulted in the access being available for generations to come.

To date

There have been 4 meetings held, and full and frank discussions have taken place. We have been advised by the solicitor of NALC (National Association of Local Councils) to take the following actions:

  • A letter is to be sent from the Parish Council to Mr Allen advising that fencing needs to be removed from the front and sides of the untitled land, known as Ascoughy Lane. This will include the stile that has been erected on the untitled land, which also has the effect of limiting access to persons with disabilities; effectively further restricting access to the land. Although stiles of a similar construction are in current use locally it has been made clear by LCC Highways that any new or replacement stile must be agreed between the landowner and Highways to take into consideration the needs of people with mobility difficulties, visual impairment and parents/carers of young children in push chairs. In this instance the stile has been erected on land not owned by those who erected it and is therefore an obstruction.
  • The Parish Council is to place a caution against first registration of the land. This effectively means that the Parish Council would be informed of any application to gain title of the land.

The working group discussed membership of the Open Spaces Society, an organisation that specialises in the legality of this type of land acquisition, where the untitled land is required for public amenity. The £45 for annual membership was approved using Clerk’s emergency spending powers. This will be ratified at this meeting. One potential route is to look into the feasibility of registering Ascoughy Lane as common land with Lincolnshire County Council.

The public right of way application is being pursued independently of the Parish Council but with its support. It is noted that the Footpath Application notice has been illegally removed from the far end of the land and the concern is that this may indicate the intention of obstructing footpath access in the future.

Work still to be done

As expected, this is a long process, which, for all parties, must be done legally and to this end there is still more work to be done, as and when responses are received from our advisers. External support is also being sought from Highways.

The Parish Council will take questions but reserve the right not respond to those questions at this meeting as the working group is yet to report back to the Parish Council. The questions will be recorded and you will be asked to leave your contact details so that we may respond to you. No questions or statements will be permitted during the course of the meeting.

Councillor Ward-Barrow proposed the recommendations arising from the report. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Eldred and passed by resolution of the Council.

i) Clerk’s Overtime

Members resolved to approve payment to the Clerk in the form of 18 hours overtime.

j) Risk Assessment

Councillor Eldred confirmed that she had completely the quarterly risk assessment.

Bench A on Rosemary Rise requires urgent consideration.

Action: Item to be added to October agenda.

k) Annual Policy Review

Members agreed to defer this item to the October meeting.

6. HIGHWAYS (19/029)

a) New faults can be reported at or email or contact customer services by telephone on 01522 782070.

Councillor Weller raised her concern over the potholes on Bitchfield Road with the upcoming Bourne cycle race.

b) The Clerk informed Members that Rowan Smith the Local Highways Manager (West) will conduct a village walkabout with the Parish Council on Wednesday on 20 August 2019 at 10.00am.

Action: Members collate a list of items to be raised at the village walkabout.


a) New Planning Matters:

i) (S19/1191) – Cornerstone & Telefonica Limited, Land at Main Street, Ingoldsby.

The installation of a 12.5m monopole supporting 3 shrouded antennas, 1 equipment cabinet, 1-meter cabinet and ancillary development thereto including Armco barrier.

Action: Members to forward comments to the Clerk by 15 August 2019.

ii) (S19/1311) – ARNOLD, The Rectory, Back Lane, Ingoldsby. The lawful development certificate for the creation of a new entrance/drive, hardstanding with on-site drainage, erection of garden walls and insertion of roof lights.

Deadline for comments NK.

Action: Members to email comments to Clerk by 16 August 2019.

iii) (S19/1312) – ARNOLD, The Rectory, Back Lane, Ingoldsby. Lawful development certificate for the erection of a detached annexe. Deadline for comments NK.

Action: Members to email comments to the Clerk by 16 August 2019.

b) Members noted the decisions received/awaited:

i) Mrs P Littleworth, The Barns, Irnham, Ingoldsby. Planning Appeal dismissed, 30 July 2019.

8. FINANCE (19/031)

a) Members noted the bank balances as at 8 August 2019.

Current Account 3895.14
Savings Account 7777.54
TOTAL 11672.68

b) Members noted the following income received between 22 May and 8 August 2019.

June Interest 1.09
July Interest 1.20
August Interest 1.32
Broadband Refund 220.32
Tax Refund 187.52
TOTAL 421.47

c) Members noted the following expenditure to be paid or having been paid in line with the approved list of regular payments between 22 May and 8 August 2019.

BT Invoice (May) 74.76
BT Invoice (June) 74.76
BT Invoice (July) 77.40
Clerk’s Salary (June) 100.48
Clerk’s Salary (July) 100.48
John Jackson, Internal Audit 60.00
Open Spaces Society Membership 45.00
Grass Cutting 0950/0992 140.00
Came & Company Insurance 330.00
Autela, Quarter 1 39.23
*SKDC Electoral Services *82.26
*Community Heartbeat Trust Annual Subscriptions *226.00
TOTAL 1350.37
*The items marked above were received after publication of the agenda but require payment.

d) The income and expenditure account for June and July were accepted and the bank balances were verified.

e) Quarter 1 Budget Review

The Clerk informed Members that in terms of income, the only area of note is VAT. The Parish Council expected to receive a refund of around £570 but the large purchases last financial year were delayed and will now fall into the current financial year. 100% of the precept was received and to date the Parish Council has received more interest than budgeted.

In terms of expenditure, the clerk’s wage is under budget although any overtime might push this over budget but this can be reviewed at the end of the second quarter.

Expenses are over budget by 25% and again this will need to be reviewed in October.

Annual subscriptions are within budget and as there is no further expenditure anticipated under this budget head, the Clerk suggested moving £32.02 into the village hall heading. The village hall spending is currently 51% against the budget and it is likely that this will be exceeded. The audit and insurance were budgeted for correctly and no further expenditure is anticipated under these budget heads. BT remains in budget at 25% against the budgeted figure. Grounds maintenance has a budget ceiling of £450.00 so this budget head is of no concern in terms of overspending. The garden waste scheme payment to SKDC is within budget and the Clerk suggested, as there is no further spending under this budget head, that the excess of £1 is moved to the village hall budget head.

In terms of elections costs, the Parish Council has accumulated £1200 in earmarked reserves since 2016. The cost of the election listed above has been deducted from this figure leaving £1117.74 in earmarked reserves (in the event of a future uncontested election). It is of note that the Parish Council also has £1000 in earmarked reserves for a replacement defibrillator and £3645.40 earmarked for community improvements.

The Clerk confirmed that VAT from large purchases this year will be received in the next financial year.

Members resolved to approve the recommended changes to the budget.

Action: Clerk to amend budget and bank reconciliation to reflect the changes to the budget.


Members noted the following correspondence:

a) News & Updates from Community Lincs, June/July 2019.

b) Email from Lincolnshire County Council dated 23 July 2019, Temporary Traffic Restrictions (see website for details).

c) Emailed letter from Louise Egan dated 12 July 2017, Changes to Mobile Library Service Provision (larger vehicles to be replaced with smaller vans).

d) Email from Phoebe Johnson from the Transport Services Group for Lincolnshire County Council dated 12 July 2019, Call Connect Summer Promotion (offering 2 for 1 travel every Monday until 2 September 2019).

e) Emailed letter dated 28 June 2019 from Lincolnshire County Council, Broadband Gigabit Voucher Scheme and Rural Gigabit Connectivity Scheme (government funded schemes to allow communities, who fall out of the Onlincolnshire criteria, to take advantage of government funding for community broadband initiatives).

f) Emailed letter from Countryside Services at Lincolnshire County Council dated 17 June 2019, Public Rights of Way Cutting Schedule (see website for details).


a) Members agreed to hold the next meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 9 October 2019 at 8pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.47pm.