November 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the Ingoldsby Parish Council (Budget Setting) Meeting held in the Village Hall, Ingoldsby on Wednesday 13 November 2019

Public Forum: There were two parishioners present.

One parishioner informed the meeting that they would like to organise the installation of a 12ft Christmas tree in the village on land beside the village hall. They asked whether the Parish Council would be willing to pay up to £80.00 for the tree. The plan would be to use the village hall electricity supply or battery powered lights. The Clerk asked whether a discussion had taken place with the Village hall committee. Councillor Eldred offered to take this forward in her capacity as a member of the village hall committee. Clerk to add to the December agenda. Concerned parishioners to email the Clerk with total costings at least 1-week prior the meeting scheduled to take place on 11 December 2019.

A parishioner confirmed that VE day celebrations are still planned for 2020. Costings are not currently available but she said she would like to apply to the Parish Council Section 137 fund for £200.00. Money raised from the event will be used to help maintain the play equipment when it has been refurbished.


The Vice-Chairman thanked those present for their attendance.

2. APOLOGIES (19/045)

Apologies received from David Harrison, the reasons for his absence were noted and accepted.


a) No reports of pecuniary interests or applications for dispensations in relation to the agenda.

b) Councillor Eldred reported her interests in relation to the Village Hall Committee.


a) Members resolved to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 October 2019 as a true and accurate record of that meeting.

5. FINANCE (19/048)

a) Members noted the current bank balances as of 7 November 2019.

Current Account 1,183.06
Savings Account 7,781.46
TOTAL 8964.52

b) Members noted the following income received between 10 October and 7 November 2019.

November Interest 1.32
SKDC Community Cleaning Grant (2/2) 426.92
TOTAL 428.24

c) Members noted the following expenditure to be paid in line with the approved list of regular payments or for approval between 10 October and 7 November 2019.

BT Invoice (October) 77.40
Clerk’s Salary (October) 100.48
Clerk’s Salary (November) 301.44
Grass Cutting (Invoice 1165) 70.00
Grass Cutting (Invoice 1118) 70.00
Grass Cutting (Invoice 1213) Partial payment 30.00
Village Hall (Sept/Oct) 24.15
Bank Charge (stopped cheque) 10.00
Clerk’s Expenses (Ink) 61.42
TOTAL 744.89

d) Section 137

The Clerk informed the meeting that the RBL had closed applications for poppy wreaths for Remembrance Day early this year which lead to being unable order a wreath and make the usual Section 137 donation. Members resolved to approve a donation of £50.00 to the RBL.

e) Budget Consultation

The Clerk had prepared a draft budget for 2020/2021 based on basic operating costs.

Members discussed the following changes.

  • The Precept has been increased by just under 5.4% from £4750 to £5005.
  • The Community Cleaning grant of an estimated £800 was added to income.
  • The Clerk’s budgeted salary has increased by £103 from the original draft.
  • £60 was added to the training budget which in the original draft was nil.
  • Cemetery maintenance has increased by £50 from £450 in 2019/2020 budget to £500 in 2020/2021 budget.
  • The Section 137 grant has increased from £150 in the 2019/2020 budget to £400.00 in the 2020/2021 budget.
  • £150.00 has been added for Askey Lane maintenance. This is a new budget heading.
  • The amount of funds going to earmarked reserves for future election costs has been decreased by £100 from £300 to £200.

These changes amount to an additional £1313 of spending in 2020/2021 (from the original draft of the budget which detailed just basic operating costs). The precept and therefore the budgeted income have increased by £255.

The Vice-Chairman proposed that Members accept the budget and precept for 2020/2021 with the changes as detailed above. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Ward-Barrow and passed by resolution of the Council.


Members noted the following correspondence.

a) Email from Clark Telecom dated 7 November 2019, Pre-application consultation for proposed telecoms installation. The Clerk asked Members to email her with any comments. Councillor Weller said she would distribute the email to concerned parties within the village.


a) Wednesday 11 December 2019, 8pm, Village Hall, Ingoldsby.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.