May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the Ingoldsby Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 8pm in the Village Hall, Main Street, Ingoldsby
Public Forum: The Chair opened the public forum. There were no parishioners present.
Councillor Leigh proposed Councillor Eldred as a candidate for the position of Chair. Councillor Eldred confirmed her candidacy. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenyon and the motion was passed by resolution of the Council. The Chair duly signed and dated the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Councillor Leigh proposed Councillor Kenyon as a candidate for the position of Vice-chair. Councillor Kenyon confirmed his candidacy. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Eldred and the motion was passed by resolution of the Council. The Vice-chair duly signed and dated the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The Chair, Councillor Eldred, welcomed members to the meeting. She reported that the recent uncontested election saw Councillor Darryl Weller step down from the role as Parish Councillor after 11 years of service and dedication to the local community. The Chair expressed her thanks to Mrs Weller and wished her all the best. The Chair welcomed Councillor Rachael Lenton to the Parish Council. The Chair also noted that District Councillor Sarah Trotter had been re-elected to the role and stated that the Parish Council looks forward to working with her once again The Chair reported on the spring litter pick which took place on 25 March 2023, and she expressed her thanks to the volunteers. The Chair noted that the results of the village questionnaire had now been published to the community Facebook page and the website. The Chair thanked all of those involved in organising local events to commemorate and celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.
Action: Councillor Kenyon to provide the Clerk with a document explaining the roles of the County, District and Parish Council for publication on the website and Facebook.
4) PRESENT (23/012)
Councillor Eldred, Chair
Councillor Kenyon, Vice-Chair
Councillor Lenton
Councillor Leigh
Councillor Nelson
5) APOLOGIES (23/013)
No reports of pecuniary interests of applications for dispensations in relation to the agenda. Councillor Eldred reported her interests in relation to the Village Hall Committee. Councillor Nelson reported her interests in relation to the Playing Field Committee, PTA and PTFA.
a) Members resolved to accept the Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 19 April 2023 as a true and accurate record of that meeting. The minutes were duly signed and dated.
a) County & District Matters
Apologies were received from District Councillor Trotter.
b) Parish Council Elections
i) The notice of uncontested election has been advertised on the Parish Council noticeboard and website on Thursday 4 May 2023.
ii) Councillors present confirmed that they had duly completed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Disclosable Pecuniary Interests form. This was ratified by the Clerk.
Action: The Clerk will collate the forms and email to Elections at SKDC.
iii) Councillor Kenyon proposed members adopt the Code of Conduct (found on page 286 of these minutes). The proposal was seconded by Councillor Leigh and the motion was passed by resolution of the Council.
iv) Councillor Leigh proposed that members sign up to the Civility and Respect Pledge found on page 292 of these minutes). The proposal was seconded by Councillor Nelson and the motion was passed by resolution of the Council.
c) Members agreed to an annual policy review.
Action: Clerk to email Councillors the current Parish Council policies for review.
d) Parish Council Constitution
Members passed over this item and it will therefore be deferred to the June meeting.
e) Coronation of King Charles III
i) Members agreed that the village organisations had hosted successful events which were well attended, to commemorate and celebrate the coronation of King Charles III over the weekend of 6-8 May 2023.
ii) The Parish Council received a grant for £176.94 from SKDC’s community fund to assist the Village Hall in the provision of two sittings of afternoon tea for 50-60 guests. The funds raised from the event helped to fund the children’s craft morning. The funds raised from the event helped fund the Village Hall. Clean Ridge Energy also provided the village hall with funding for the children’s craft morning, the children planted planters, made crowns to wear and enjoyed a snack lunch.
Action: Councillor Kenyon will complete the feedback form for SKDC with photographs of events (condition of receipt of the grant).
Councillor Kenyon proposed an amended to the motion recorded in minute reference 22/082, page 265 of the minutes. The motion agreed covered the cost of ‘entertainment’ up to the value of £400.00. Councillor Kenyon proposed an amendment to that motion to read, ‘to support activities’ to commemorate the coronation. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenyon and the motion was passed by unanimous decision.
iii) The Chair reported that the mugs had been received, although a small number had been damaged in transit. They have been delivered to the children in the village and the surplus have been gifted to the PFA for sale/donations to raise funds for the playground refurbishment.
Action: Clerk to email Dash UK to request the broken mugs be replaced.
f) Training
Members had received the training bulletin provided by LALC and expressed some interest in attending new Councillor training sessions.
Action: Members are to email the Clerk with their preferences so that the Clerk can make the bookings via the LALC portal.
g) PCC Request for an increase in the annual contribution to grass cutting/entrance to churchyard from Humby Road
The PCC have contacted the Parish Council for advice and support on how to get the entrance to the churchyard on Humby Road re-surfaced. Councillor Kenyon will liaise with Rowan Smith in the first instance.
Action: Clerk to organise the village walkabout with Rowan Smith, the Head of Highways West for Lincolnshire County Council. Clerk to feed back to the PCC.
Members discussed the request for additional funds for annual grass cutting for the churchyard. Clerk to find out the status of the current contract and to ask the PCC to obtain three quotes for a like for like service before this is discussed further.
Action: Clerk to liaise with the PCC.
h) Footpath Number 1
Members discussed the letter received from Andy Savage, Senior Countryside Officer for LCC, regarding a complaint received regarding the installation of electric gates on Ingoldsby Footpath Number 1.
Action: Clerk to collate a response based on comments received from Councillors.
i) Planters
Councillor Kenyon proposed an annual budget of £75.00 for the maintenance of the village planters. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Leigh and passed by resolution of the Council.
j) Community Heartbeat Trust Price Increase
The HMRC have declared that the CHT are providing a ‘VATable’ service. The annual fees have increased by £9.00. The VAT element is £47.00, which the Clerk reported can be reclaimed at the end of the financial year. Members discussed the need for further defibrillator and first aid training.
Action: Councillor Nelson to obtain some further training dates.
k) Councillor’s Expenses
The Clerk reminded members to retain receipts for Parish Council expenses for reimbursement purposes.
Action: Councillor Nelson to provide details of a cost-effective printing service.
9) HIGHWAYS (23/017)
a) No reports of new or outstanding highways defects and other updates.
Members of the public can report any new faults at or email or contact customer services by telephone on 01522 782070.
b) Members noted the email from Richard Littlewood, Arboricultural Officer, LCC dated 9 May 2023 regarding canopy reduction of the Turkey Oak Tree due to disease.
a) New Planning Matters:
Application No: |
S23/0358 |
Applicant: |
Site & Communities Co-ordinator, Lizzie Lemon, Boothby Wildland Ltd |
Proposal: |
Creation of four ponds for Great Crested Newts |
Location: |
Boothby Lodge Farm, Grantham Road, Boothby Pagnell,Lincolnshire, NG33 4DE |
Case Details: |
Phil Jordan, Case Officer |
Deadline: |
Status: |
Not determined. |
Parish Council: |
No comments/objections. |
Application No: |
S23/0334 |
Applicant: |
Mr & Mrs James Boon |
Proposal: |
Erection of replacement garage to side of dwelling on 10cm concrete base |
Location: |
Fox Barn, Humby Road, Ingoldsby, NG33 4BF |
Case Details: |
Letitia Barrowcliff, 01476 406379, |
Deadline: |
29 April 2023 |
Status: |
Not determined. |
Parish Council: |
No comments/objections. |
b) Decisions pending or received:
Application No: |
S22/2432 |
Applicant: |
Mrs Fiona Blackwell |
Proposal: |
Outline planning application, with all matters reserved, for the erection of a detached dwelling and garage. |
Location: |
Land opposite Green Gates, Grantham Road, Ingoldsby, Lincolnshire, Ng33 4EQ |
Case Details: |
Peter Lifford, Case Officer ext 6391 |
Deadline: |
18 July 2022 |
Status: |
Granted on 23 March 2023. |
Parish Council: |
No comments/objections. |
11) FINANCE (23/019)
a) Members noted the current bank balances as of 11 May 2023 and acknowledged that the £1000.00 buffer moved from the reserves account to the current account at the start of the new financial year, pending receipt of the precept, had been returned to the reserves account.
Current Account |
5581.28 |
Savings Account |
7388.22 |
12,969.50 |
b) Members noted the income received between 13 April and 11 May 2023.
Interest (May) |
7.91 |
Community Grant (Coronation) |
176.94 |
184.85 |
c) Members noted the expenditure to be paid in line with the approved list of Regular payments between 13 April and 11 May 2023, or for approval.
Detail |
Price |
Total |
Bank Charges, April 2023 |
5.00 |
0.00 |
5.00 |
BT, April 2023 |
31.99 |
6.40 |
38.39 |
Clerk’s Salary APRIL |
125.36 |
0.00 |
125.36 |
ICDL Clerk’s Computer Course 2 of 2 min ref (22/058) h. |
100.00 |
0.00 |
100.00 |
Village Hall (annual storage charge) |
60.00 |
0.00 |
60.00 |
Community Heartbeat Trust VETS/Maintenance |
235.00 |
47.00 |
282.00 |
Postage (Year End paperwork) |
15.45 |
0.00 |
15.45 |
Stationery (dividers) |
9.88 |
0.00 |
9.88 |
Village Hall Afternoon Tea, Coronation (section 137) |
176.94 |
0.00 |
176.94 |
759.62 |
53.40 |
813.02 |
d) Members noted the record of reserves as of 11 May 2023. Members resolved to approve the transfer of £134.83 from the current account to the reserves account.
Earmarked Reserves |
Elections |
2074.74 |
Defibrillator |
1400.00 |
Laptop |
300.00 |
Community Improvements |
3748.31 |
Reserves ‘not earmarked’ |
(134.83) |
7523.05 |
e) Members resolved to approve the monthly income and expenditure accounts for April and early May 2023.
f) Insurance
Members noted that the Parish Council policy of insurance is due for renewal on 1 June 2023. They reviewed the three quotes provided by BHiB (£375.86), Zurich who are the current providers (£241.00) and Gallagher (£600.00). Members resolved to renew the policy of insurance with Zurich as they offer the best value for money.
g) Risk Assessment, Quarter 1
The Chair, Councillor Eldred has completed the risk assessment and reported that there are no changes to report since the last quarter’s report.
h) Clerk’s Salary and overtime for approval
Members noted that the Clerk has updated Autela, the payroll service provider with the agreed 12 hours per month rather than 8 hours per month. Members noted that the Clerk has submitted a request for 18 hours overtime. Councillor Kenyon proposed that the Clerk’s overtime be approved for payment. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Eldred and passed by resolution of the council.
i) Members agreed by resolution of the council to update the list of regular payments to include the annual £500 contribution towards maintenance costs for the PFA.
LIST OF REGULAR PAYMENTS This list of regular payments is approved by Financial Regulations. If it necessary to make payment to avoid a charge to interest under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and the due date for the payment is before the next scheduled meeting of the Council, where the Clerk and RFO certify that there is no dispute or other reason to delay the payment, provided that a list of all such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of the council. |
Clerk’s monthly salary up to the budgeted annual sum of £2865.00. Overtime and annual leave above and beyond the 8 contracted hours per month must first be approved at the next meeting of the Parish Council. Clerk to receive annually agreed payment of £100.00 for use of own computer, printing equipment and anti-virus software. |
Payments to Autela Payroll Services Limited for services rendered not exceeding the budgeted amount of £215.00. |
Payments to the Village Hall for hall hire not exceeding the budgeted amount £305.00 for cupboard storage and annual hire for meeting purposes. |
Annual subscriptions to LALC and the ICO not exceeding the budgeted amount of £125.00. |
Insurance not exceeding the budgeted amount of £251.00. |
The internal audit fee not exceeding £88.00. |
Payments for gardening services to St. Bartholomew’s churchyard not exceeding the budgeted amount of £500.00. Additional payments above the budgeted amount must be applied for in writing. |
Payments to the Community Heartbeat Trust for the defibrillator annual maintenance package and other related annual services not exceeding the budgeted amount of £226.00. |
Payments to the PCC for the annual renewal of the garden waste service for an amount not exceeding £60.00 (which is the direct debit amount) |
Payments to BT to be paid by direct debit for the amount billed. Budget head is £390.00. |
Payments for office equipment, stationery and training not exceeding the budgeted amount of £885.00. |
Section 137 expenditure (including £50.00 for the RBL) not exceeding the budgeted amount of £950.00. |
Monthly bank fees of £5.00. |
£600 annual contribution to the PFA for the maintenance costs of the playing fields. |
Members agreed to condense the correspondence section of the agenda by highlighting to the Clerk any correspondence of note.
Members noted the following correspondence:
a) The Rural Bulletin (weekly publication from 28 March to 10 May 2023)
b) Notification of temporary traffic regulation Order (LCC Highways (dates not specified) dated 9 March 2023.
c) Email from LCC dated 17 March 2023, CallConnect operating hours
d) E-news from LALC (fortnightly publication from 20 March 2023 to 1 May 2023).
e) Email from Anglian Water dated 26 April 2023, New pipelines locally.
f) April Town & Parish Council Newsletter.
g) Election correspondence (all notices have been duly posted to noticeboards/website).
h) Email from Love Martin Moor Action Group, Anaerobic Digestion Plant dated 28 March 2023.
i) Email from LCC dated 14 April 2023, bus service updates in April and May 2023.
j) Email from Maisie McMahon, Force Priority Setting meeting (outcomes from Q1/police priority setting document, deadline 1 June 2023).
Action: Clerk to submit the priorities for Ingoldsby Parish.
Wednesday 7 June 2023, Village Hall, Main Street, Ingoldsby at 8pm.
14) CLOSED SESSION (23/022)
Not required.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.40 pm.