November 2024 Minutes


Minutes of the Ingoldsby Parish Council Meeting Budget Consultation Meeting held on Wednesday 27 November 2024 at 7.45 pm in the Village Hall, Main Street, Ingoldsby
Public Forum:  There were no members of the public present. 

The Chair, Councillor Eldred welcomed Members to the meeting.  

2)    PRESENT (24/049)
Councillor Eldred, Chair
Councillor Kenyon, Vice-Chair
Councillor Leigh
Councillor Nelson

3)    APOLOGIES (24/050)

No reports of pecuniary interests of applications for dispensations in relation to the agenda.  Councillor Eldred reported her interests in relation to the Village Hall Committee.  Councillor Nelson reported her interests in relation to the Playing Field Committee, PTA and PTFA.

5)    BUDGET (24/052)
Councillors reviewed the draft budget for 2025/26 and agreed to the following:

•    The precept will be increased by 17.5% from £6841.00 to £8038.00.
•    The community cleaning grant was removed from the budget as this grant is not guaranteed from year to year. 
•    The budgeted income was calculated at £8399.42.

•    The budget head for the village hall has increased to £157.00.  A 5% increase was applied to the predicted year end expenditure. 
•    The Clerk’s salary was calculated based on 8 hours per month at SCP23 plus an increase of 5% to cover back pay due to a recent local government pay award. 
•    The budget head for PAYE has been calculated at £66.00.
•    The budget head for expenses including office equipment and training (including bank fees) will be £225.00 which is the predicted year end spend for the current financial year. 
•    The budget head for subscriptions has increased from £133.58 to £150.00.
•    The budget head for insurance has increased to £253.05.  A 5% increase was added to the current premium for 2024/25.
•    The internal audit fee has increased to £100.00. 
•    The budget heads for PCC and PFA maintenance have both increased by £25.00 to £650.00.  The £25 annual increase was agreed at the parish council meeting dated Wednesday 24 April 2024. 
•    The budget head for Section 137 grants remains at £450.00.
•    The budget head for payroll services has increased to £272.76.  A 5% increase was applied to the predicted year end expenditure.
•    The budget head for defibrillator costs remain unchanged at £235.00.
•    The budget head for the garden waste service has increased to £53.55.  A 5% increase has been applied to the fee charged in 2024/25.  
•    The community improvements budget head has been increased from £926.64 to £1076.64 to account for a budget of £150.00 on the village planters. 
•    The BT budget head has been increased to £394.09.  A 5% increase was applied to the predicted year end expenditure. 
•    In terms of funds to reserves, £1#50.00 will be allocated to the parish council laptop, £300.00 to elections and £250.00 to national events.  The latter was increased by £200 as it was felt this was insufficient.
•    The budgeted expenditure was calculated at £7743.58.   

•    It was agreed that any surplus funds at the end of the 2024/25 financial year should be directed to the savings account to cover the deficit in earmarked reserves. 

The budget as amended and precept figure were proposed by Councillor Nelson, seconded by Councillor Kenyon and the motion was passed by resolution of the council. 

Action: Clerk to submit the precept request to South Kesteven District Council. 

Wednesday 4 December 2024